Saturday, April 28, 2012

iPhone Photo

I am always amazed at the quality of a photo that you can get from your phone.  There is one key to getting a great photo, and that is getting the camera very steady.  In this case I walked into St. Xavier in Cincinnati, (both of my daughters were married here) and the colors of this church are amazing, mostly for the bright blue colors which is unique and very impressive.  Anyway, the key here was I held the devise very tightly on a little podium they had in the back, and WHAM, an amazingly clear and sharp photo.   

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cincinnati Streets

I have been shooting a lot of street photography in Cincinnati lately and came across this old restaurant and loved the colors and rust on the sign.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

River Road, North Bend, Ohio

Doing a drive through farm country in the lower Ohio River area of North Bend, Saylor Park and Cleves, this dilapidated old barn with the patina blue colors and the green mold was interesting to me, the roof is about to cave in too creating these crooked windows that made me love this photo.

Easter Egg Hunt.

Grabbing the goods, the weird part was they were sitting in a parking lot instead of some nice cool wooded park, but that's what they did.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

School Boy

Dana is preparing Carson's application for Princeton, however I keep telling her that Northwestern or Notre Dame are fine schools too.

Easter Egg Hunt

These young turks belong to a couple of my nieces, of which I have never taken a photo of either of them before. It's so hard to get anything good while they are all running around an easter egg hunt pumped high on sugar, as were my own grandkids too.